Intro to 100 PM Tools & Techniques
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Category: Project Management
Subcategory: Tools & Techniques
Time Required: 1 1/2 hours
CE Credits: 2
Exam: No
Check on Learning: No
Trifecta’s Project Management Tools & Techniques micro-learning video series is designed to generate awareness and understanding in mid-level managers
and team members of over 100 popular tools and techniques used to manage projects. There are a total of 17 videos that range from 4 to 7 minutes to allow for smaller learning bursts that drive large results.
and team members of over 100 popular tools and techniques used to manage projects. There are a total of 17 videos that range from 4 to 7 minutes to allow for smaller learning bursts that drive large results.
Each of the 17 modules presents a whole different category or group of essential project management tools & techniques. Having the awareness of these unique tools & techniques allows project managers and their team to organize & complete project tasks, solve tough problems, and make complex decision with ease.
♦ You want to become a Certified Restoration Project Manager (PM)
♦ You have projects that are not going well and you want to discover why
♦ You want to increase your knowledge of project management
♦ You want to increase communication and collaboration with customers
♦ You are unaware of what tool and technique is and how it can help
♦ You want to be better organized
♦ You want to optimize resources
♦ You have projects that are not going well and you want to discover why
♦ You want to increase your knowledge of project management
♦ You want to increase communication and collaboration with customers
♦ You are unaware of what tool and technique is and how it can help
♦ You want to be better organized
♦ You want to optimize resources