Collection Strategies that Work
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Category: Finance
Subcategory: Account Receivable
Time Required: 4 hours
CE Credits: 4
Exam: Yes
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Collecting receivables and overdue accounts is never enjoyable, but must be done! Being equipped with the right strategies is key and time is of the essence. This is a training course for you and your team that includes a downloadable collection kit modeled for success. With a 99.99% collection rate for over a decade, you will learn how to employ the ACT Framework (Access - Collect - Take Action) to get those results.
You will learn about why customers don't pay, how to identify customer personas, how to prepare to collect, how to object to customers reasons why they can't pay and much, much more. See topics below.
♦ You don't like asking customers for payments
♦ You don't have a collections SOP
♦ You want to learn how to read customer indicators and personas
♦ You want to learn how to escalate collects the right way
♦ You have Accounts Receivables (A/R) over 30 days past due
♦ You don't have a collections SOP
♦ You want to learn how to read customer indicators and personas
♦ You want to learn how to escalate collects the right way
♦ You have Accounts Receivables (A/R) over 30 days past due